Update Information

Ver1.1.5 SDK was updated. 2022.02.24
It corresponded because the SDK was updated.
bug fix.
Ver1.1.4 bug fix. 2022.02.17
Changed the button layout.
bug fix.
Ver1.1.2, Ver1.1.3 bug fix. 2022.01.25
Fixed a bug that Android 11 cannot link with Google Maps.
Ver1.1.0, Ver1.1.1 You can specify the location and time. 2022.01.24
Long tap on the map to drop the pin.
You can check the meeting schedule from the HOME screen.
bug fix.
Ver1.0.1 You can select the message app. 2022.01.06
If no message has been entered long tap the message entry area and paste.
Ver1.0.0 First release. 2022.01.03
Released with basic functions.